这个命名空间RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetNonZeroBytes方法来创建一个随机16位的盐化(salt value)值(使用Convert.ToBase64String将之转换为字符串时它将变成24位)
表 8 SaltedHash Class
using System;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class SaltedHash {
static public bool ValidatePassword (string password,
string saltedHash) {
// Extract hash and salt string
const int LEN = 24;
string saltString = saltedHash.Substring(saltedHash.Length - LEN);
string hash1 = saltedHash.Substring(0, saltedHash.Length - LEN);
// Append the salt string to the password
string saltedPassword = password + saltString;
// Hash the salted password
string hash2 =
saltedPassword, "SHA1");
// Compare the hashes
return (hash1.CompareTo(hash2) == 0);
static public string CreateSaltedPasswordHash (string password) {
// Generate random salt string
RNGCryptoServiceProvider csp = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] saltBytes = new byte[16];
string saltString = Convert.ToBase64String(saltBytes);
// Append the salt string to the password
string saltedPassword = password + saltString;
// Hash the salted password
string hash =
saltedPassword, "SHA1");
// Append the salt to the hash
return hash + saltString;
<add key="cnxNWindBest" value="AQAAANCMnd8BFdERjHoAwE/ Cl+sBAAAAcWMZ8XhPz0O8jHcS1539LAQAAAACAAAAAAADZgAAqAAAABAAAABdodw0YhWfcC6+ UjUUOiMwAAAAAASAAACgAAAAEAAAALPzjTRnAPt7/W8v38ikHL5IAAAAzctRyEcHxWkzxeqbq/ V9ogaSqS4UxvKC9zmrXUoJ9mwrNZ/ XZ9LgbfcDXIIAXm2DLRCGRHMtrZrp9yledz0n9kgP3b3s+ X8wFAAAANmLu0UfOJdTc4WjlQQgmZElY7Z8" /> |
BestLogin从SecureConnection类中调取GetCnxString方法,如表9所示,以此来检索和解密cnxNWindBest AppSetting的值。
string strCnx = SecureConnection.GetCnxString("cnxNWindBest"); public class SecureConnection { static public string GetCnxString(string configKey) { string strCnx; try { // Grab encrypted connection string from web.config string strEncryptedCnx = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[configKey]; // Decrypt the connection string DataProtector dp = new DataProtector(DataProtector.Store.USE_MACHINE_STORE); byte[] dataToDecrypt = Convert.FromBase64String(strEncryptedCnx); strCnx = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dp.Decrypt(dataToDecrypt,null)); } catch { strCnx=""; } return strCnx; } }